
Asta Speičytė Radzevičienė. Founder and Chairwoman at Lithuanian premature baby association “Neišnešiotukas”

Tatiana Pimkova. Effective social work coach, psychologist, supervisor. Professional focus: psychological and social support of children and families,
superviziya of the experts working with children. Has ten years’ experience as the expert and the project manager in projects connected with problems of children with additional requirements, and also support to their parents.

Gilevskaya Tatyana Aleksandrovna. The practicing doctor-neonatolog of the highest category. Works in intensive care department of Healthcare institution “City clinical maternity hospital No. 2”

Razletayeva Olga. The specialist in advertizing in the sphere of information support of social projects, and also state, public and international programs. Mother of the child of third stadium of prematurity which was born in term 31 weeks weighing 1480 гр.

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