Who we are

Natalya Mironchuk

Head of social of social and charitable institution “Babystory”

Nearly 10 years she is engaged in professional photographing of newborn babies in Belarus and abroad.

During 7 years secsessfully coordinated an initiative group of pictorial photographers on advance of family values through creation of photographs, organized public exhibitions and made a number of projects to support vulnerable children.

Has wide experience of work in the sphere of public relations, successfully develops and supports social networks and communications in various public groups: public sector, in business communities and among the public.

The project “Babystory” exists already a long time. All these years our “baby story” grew, developed and transformed from project on photographing of newborn babies and their families to a larger social initiative, involving an increasing number of supporters in this process. There were many places, where our work was not just making photos, but became a medium, which tells a unique story of the person and at the same time supports him, cures his soul, and sometimes even treats. It was not simple decoration of the walls of maternity hospitals or outpatient departments by beautiful photos of babies. It were meetings at the different levels and in different groups, actions for support of premature babies and strengthening of their positions in society. We held photo exhibition, which caused great public reaction and discussions. Because they touched important and actual issues for our society: family, happy maternity, strengthening of a role of the father. In the summer of 2016, the “Babystory” team was making photos for the project with the Lithuanian organization, which helps to premature babies, who were born with the weight from 500 to 900 grams. This project was totally differed from everything that we made before. It was about those about whom in our country we know and speak so little. When we came back home from the Vilnius clinic, we decided to learn more about the problem of premature babies in Belarus. Annually in Belarus more than 5000 children are born before term. We were not able to stand aside. We knew that we are able to help and we wanted to support those children, their parents, experts who work on this problem. Therefore, in October 2016 social and charitable institution for help to children and their families “Baby Story” was registered.

Today in social and charitable institution for help to children and their families “Baby Story” are involved local and foreign professionals of high level (doctors, psychologists, parents, representatives of public organizations). We study experience of other countries, such as Russia, Lithuania, Great Britain, and cooperate with the organizations of support of prematurely born children and certain experts. We came a long way from the photo project to the organization of the help to premature babies and their families, and we move forward and master new activities:

— support of young mothers and pregnant women (including, with risk of premature births with focus on this group of women in city and rural areas);

— Sociocultural projects with use of elements of art of photography and video art for children with different opportunities;

— support of children from families in crises in which parents are in conflict.

The Official opening of social and charitable institution “Babystory” took place on November 17, 2016 on the International Day of prematurely born children on the basis of the State scientific-practical center “Mother and Child” in Minsk with participation of the experts and mothers who grew up premature babies.


Mission of the social and charitable institution “Babystory”

To make life of the children safer and brighter. To give them necessary high-quality support since the birth. To combine efforts of families, professionals and society in giving children kindness, participation, smiles, and better lives.

Main objectives and tasks of “Babystory”:

  • improvement of quality of life of premature babies and their;
  • assistance in receiving by such families necessary information and knowledge, psychological and social support;
  • rising of professional competence of experts of clinics for women and other institutions;
  • Improvement of technical and methodical support of medical and other institutions, which deal with problems of prematurely born children.

At the same time, we are going to use innovative technologies, study the best international experience, and stimulate social and creative activities for children and their parents. We are going to held different projects, which will help children, support their parents and experts who work with premature babies.

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